Entries by Raj C

Setup right foundation for your startup

Startup Setting up your own startup business can be as daunting as it is exciting. With so many things to look into from a financial, operational, compliance and governance perspective, you want to make sure that you have done your homework right. You can save yourself significant time and valuable capital by making yourself well-versed […]

Project Russell

#ProjectRussell   Meet Russell: He lives in Frankston and travels to St Kilda road just to distribute the flyers for other businesses. Two weeks ago he dropped a flyer in our office that’s how I met him. It triggered a thought in my head well if he can distribute for others why not for my […]

Hot sweating day at Melbourne

People in Melbourne sweated through an autumn scorcher as the mercury soared above 38 degrees, making it the hottest March day in the city in eight years. It hit 38.9 degrees in the CBD, while Moorabbin, in Melbourne’s south-east, has recorded its hottest March day on record with 40.8 degrees.